*Showcase of Glyphs
Thousand Words—
Typeface System
April.2020With the trend of globalization, typography and typefaces should be adapt to the new environment as well. As a tool of communication, typefaces should achieve the goal of delivering messages internationally. But now they are facing a new challenge, above 90 percent of existing typefaces or typography systems failed to create visual harmony dealing with multilingual. They either are making assumptions on other cultures, or they are too conservative to avoid confusing the market. So to promote a new method of hybridizing different, Thousand Words, the multilingual typeface system was designed.
The system includes four styles, each of them contains 48 kanji characters and basic Latin alphabet. To achieve visual harmony, thorough historic research and printing checks were processed. The working process has been gathered and bound as a publish–ready manifesto for those who are interested in multilingual type design.
Printed by:
Newspaper Club, NYC
Special Thanks to:
Greg Lindy, MGx Thesis Team

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